Name: Cristina R.

Title: TESOL Director of Thailand. I am currently creating a curriculum and outline on how to teach English to the house parents and helpers. I teach English Wed-Fri to the house parents and helpers and as interns and workers come to Thailand I will delegate these teaching responsibilities to them. I also teach 4th, 5th, and 6th grade English and 1st and 2nd grade science at Mae Pong k-9th grade school that half our R-Nhu children attend.
Where are you originally from? Florida
Where are you serving w/ R-Nhu? Thailand

What got you get involved with R-Nhu? Why did you choose to work with 

How long have you been involved? I heard about R-Nhu when Barbara Kisley spoke at my church back in March 2014. Back in 2012 I had gone on a mission trip to Bangkok and worked with girls already trapped in sex trafficking and after her presentation I spoke with her to share experiences. She sold me on the need for teachers. I am a 4th grade teacher, I am certified in ESOL and reading, and I had been praying that God would give me the opportunity to come back to Thailand. Before the night was over, we had set up a meeting with Carl for the following week to give me details about what life would look like if I decided to join the R-Nhu team. After my meeting with Barbara and Carl, I knew this was where God was calling me so I chose to move to Thailand. I boarded a plane August 30 and landed in Chiang Mai August 31st. I will be here until March of 2016, unless God has other plans and keeps me longer.

What’s been your best experience working with R-Nhu? My best experience was how welcomed I was by both staff and volunteers. I was worried that I would step foot in this country and feel like an outsider looking in for a long time, but I was welcomed immediately. The friendships I have with my friends here are real and genuine and I am so thankful that I was shown love before I could earn it, they really are true example of the love of Christ. It's no wonder everyone who comes here falls in love

What type of projects are you working on? What skills do you bring to R-Nhu? As of right now, I am creating a curriculum and outline on how to teach English to students who speak no English, limited English, and bilingual speakers. I am creating games, activities, and worksheets that are used during my lessons. As workers and interns join our team, I will give them materials and instructions on what to teach and how to teach the materials given to them. I track all progress on an excel spread sheet, which helps me determine who moves forward in lessons and who needs reteaching and practice.  

Prayer requests? I have fund-raised enough to purchase supplies to create materials for teaching, but the cost of these items is turning out to be more expensive than I anticipated. Items include paper, ink, a new printer, markers, crayons, laminating, glue, and so on. Unfortunately, these items cannot be shipped to us because as of right now the postal service is unreliable and packages are not being delivered. It would help greatly if we had a couple of individual donors who could donate money towards our curriculum funds to help offset the cost of these items.

What’s one Bible verse that has been particularly motivating for you? Jesus called out to them, “Come, be my disciples, and I will show you how to fish for people!” and they left their nets at once and went with him. Matt 4:19-20

Anything else that you’d like to share with the general public? I have a blog that I update at least once a month. If you’d like to follow along, feel free to read: cristinaryter.blogspot.com

To support Cristina's work in the field go to:
Note Cristina R - Thailand in the notes section.
