Jesus Loves the Little Children
Some people connect with God by being in nature. Some connect with music. For me, it is whenever I see a child I connect most with God. I look into their eyes and see joy, pureness, and faith that is capable of moving mountains. When a see a child, I am remind of what God intended for us to be. Unharmed by the world and ignorant of evil with a faith that never waivers.
Maybe it is because God speaks to me through children that I am so drawn to them. I rather sit down and interact with a child that an adult any day. They are so matter-of-fact and speak without holding back. For example, my Bolivian host mother’s five year old grandson spent a week here in Cochabamba visiting from a different city. He would boldly tell me the most point blank things without things twice about it. For example, one day he got into the car next to me and told me I smelled so delicious- like chicken. It sincerely meant this as a genuine compliment even though I am going to guess no one will ever actually choose to smell like chicken.
When it comes to children, I cannot help but love them so whole-heartedly. Not that I would ever change this for the world, but sometimes it can be a bit more of a curse than a blessing. By that I mean I can love them so much it hurts. To love them so immensely and unconditional that I don't think I am physically capable of loving them anymore, I think is a glimpse of how much Jesus loves us - however just a very very very tiny fraction if that. But I have learned so much of Jesus’s love by looking at my natural love for children. 
Written by: Hali B., Remember Nhu International Worker

To support Hali's work in the field go to:
Note Hali B.- Bolivia in the notes section.

A New Haven of Refuge

After waking before dawn breaks, a long day of school, and managing to kick around the soccer ball for a few minutes, one would think these young growing boys would be pushing each other out of the way to grab their dinner.

Instead they respectfully stand in line at their newly constructed Haven of Refuge, youngest to oldest, patiently waiting for their delicious dinner cooked by their House mom and helpers. Now when it comes to second and third helpings, that’s another story!

A couple of weeks ago these young boys had eagerly packed up their belongings while adults secured everything in pickup truck beds in typical asian fashion - piling everything sky high!

These boys counted the minutes and kilometers before they would arrive at their newly constructed Haven of Refuge. They could barely contain their joy at moving into a wonderful, brand new home!

The children are extremely grateful for their Haven of Refuge. Here at their Remember Nhu home they are safe, they have all their needs met, they have a bright and hopeful future ahead, and a loving Father in Heaven protecting them and preparing a way for them.
After waking before dawn breaks, a long day of school, and managing to kick around the soccer ball for a few minutes, one would think these young growing boys would be pushing each other out of the way to grab their dinner.

Instead they respectfully stand in line at their newly constructed Haven of Refuge, youngest to oldest, patiently waiting for their delicious dinner cooked by their House mom and helpers. Now when it comes to second and third helpings, that’s another story!

A couple of weeks ago these young boys had eagerly packed up their belongings while adults secured everything in pickup truck beds in typical asian fashion - piling everything sky high!

These boys counted the minutes and kilometers before they would arrive at their newly constructed Haven of Refuge. They could barely contain their joy at moving into a wonderful, brand new home!

The children are extremely grateful for their Haven of Refuge. Here at their Remember Nhu home they are safe, they have all their needs met, they have a bright and hopeful future ahead, and a loving Father in Heaven protecting them and preparing a way for them.

Written By: Laurie R., Child Sponsorships

"Living in desperate poverty along with my older siblings, I used to be a timid and shy. Upon arriving at my Remember Nhu Haven of Refuge, my head had to be shaved due to lice and poor hygiene. My guardian didn't have the ability to provide for my needs; they didn't know how to take care of me. My eyes were dull. I didn't know what a smile was. 
It took a couple of months for me to adjust to my new surroundings. At my home in the village, I was not accustomed to having three meals a day, having loving adult supervision, and clean changes of clothing. I didn't know these were even possible.
Now, I am no longer the timid and shy person I once was. My hair now shines and my eyes sparkle with life. I am a leader amongst my peers. I love Jesus and more importantly, I feel His Sweet Love for me. 
There is no more bondage for me. Having accepted Jesus as my Savior I am free from the bondage of sin and I have hope for a future. I am becoming who Jesus had planned for me to be - before my conception." 

- C. A Grateful R-Nhu Child


Name: Laurie R.
Title:  Child Sponsorships
Originally From: Ohio
Where You're Serving:  Stateside in Oregon

Why did you choose to work with R-Nhu and how long have you been involved?

I have been involved with Remember Nhu shortly after my husband heard those special words put into his heart by Jesus “Remember Nhu” in 2003. When I first looked into the children’s eyes; that compelled me to do nothing else but help them.

What’s been your best experience working with R-Nhu? 

There have been many; however I think seeing children’s eyes (which once were dull and lifeless) dance and sparkle with hope, joy, happiness and life because they have their physical, educational, emotional, and spiritual needs met living in their Remember Nhu Children’s Homes.

What type of projects are you working on? What skills do you bring to R-Nhu?
Child Sponsorship is an ongoing task which I enjoy

Prayer requests?
For safety of at-risk children who are not yet in a Remember Nhu Children’s Home and for those who are - to faithfully serve our Lord and Savior changing their country to be one that follows the true and living God.

What’s one Bible verse that has been particularly motivating for you? 
Psalm 27:4 GNT “I have asked the Lord for one thing; one thing only do I want: to live in the Lord’s house all my life, to marvel there at his goodness, and to ask for his guidance."

"My home is lively.
            There is rarely a dull moment in my home. Fifty young girls live, play, and thrive in these walls and they are constantly in motion. Whether it is playing card games, board games, riding bikes, playing volleyball, doing hair, reading books, doing chores or playing chase there is always something going on around here. Even when the house is quiet for the night, there are plenty of bugs, thunder, and lightning to keep the action going.

My home is multi-everything.
            There are many cultures that the members of our home come from. Ages range from our youngest little girl at six to our older house helpers that are in their fifties. We speak multiple different languages and understand different worldviews, but through the power of Christ we come together in the confines of four walls and celebrate this multi-cultural, multigenerational, and multiethnic family.

My home is imperfect.
            We are all broken human beings working to live life together and honor the God who created us. There was a death that recently affected our home, so we grieve and struggle through the transition. Sometimes we don’t show each other love, we hurt each other’s feelings, or we disobey. Sometimes we struggle to understand cultural differences or to relate to each other in a healthy way. But we try. Everyday we try to embrace each other a little more, love a little more unconditionally, and honor others above ourselves. The walls in which we live are also imperfect. Sometimes our power goes out and without fans, the stifling heat takes over for the evening. And sometimes our water goes out and we make do with buckets outside for showers. But we embrace it because these walls are a safe and constant shelter in the midst of life.

My Home is Jesus Christ's.
            Jesus Christ is built into the very foundation of this home. From the heart and dream that created it, to the prayer and funds that built it, to the faithful hands that constructed it, to the many that now inhabit it, Jesus Christ has been a part of every step that has made this house a home. Not all our girls personally know Jesus Christ, but in this home, everyday they get to know a little more of His presence and His love through living in safety and security and experiencing the love of Christ through those care for this home and this family." 

Written By: Remember Nhu Intern, Thailand

To support Kelli's work in the field go to:
Note Kelli H. - Thailand in the notes section.


"These children are now part of a new family and are given direct daily exposure to the love of Christ. Along with exposure to Godly parents, the children are also given an education. Remember Nhu pays for the kids schooling all the way through college - giving the kids opportunities that they most likely never would have had otherwise.

One of the greatest moments this month was going to the homes for Sunday morning church. Every Sunday each home would work on a presentation, usually a song or a dance. So we would get to have church and worship with nearly 200 kids. All of which have been rescued from a life of physical slavery and are now finding out that they can also be freed from spiritual slavery through the love of Christ.

The best part is this: After the school year the kids have the option to go home. The ones that choose to are a light to their families and villages. One village Remember Nhu goes to has seen a huge difference in the kids that come home. They noticed the kids were healthier than before and were learning faster then the kids that stayed. The difference was so drastic that the village as a whole has decided to no longer sell any of their children. The influence of the children completely changed the culture of the village. 

By rescuing and loving these children Remember Nhu is shaping the future generations of Thailand. Opening eyes to see the evil that slavery is and raising up a new generation that has seen victory over it."

Written by: World Race Member, Derek W.

I have called you back from the ends of the earth so you can serve me.
For I have chosen you and will not throw you away.
Isa. 41:9

"Life is so hectic, there are so many distractions, errands, useless priorities, that it's so easy to miss when the Spirit is whispering something important. Just sitting in this quiet room, waiting, felt awkward, but then God spoke and nothing else mattered.

How much more could I have in common with these children!? God chose us, He handpicked us. He took us from where we were, for so many different reasons, and brought us together. Clearly I missed the obvious, how could I not see what we had in common, He called and we listened.

Knowing this now, my heart ached for the children who are lonely, sad, and homesick, because at some point while living in Thailand, I felt those things too. And so I began praying for these children, yes that they have good health, friendships, and do well in school, but also that when they are lonely, Christ speaks to their hearts. When they are sad, they are reminded of the joy and peace only Christ can give. When they feel homesick, Christ will remind them that he chose them and they are exactly where they need to be. I pray that they are comforted in their loneliness and are aware of their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, who may be lonely, sad, or homesick too. That they create a community where the love of Christ is so evident that feelings like loneliness cannot grow because God is the center of and the cornerstone of all their actions and words."

Written by: Remember Nhu TESOL Teacher, Thailand

To support Cristina's work in the field go to:
Note Cristina R - Thailand in the notes section.
