Jesus Loves the Little Children


Jesus Loves the Little Children
Some people connect with God by being in nature. Some connect with music. For me, it is whenever I see a child I connect most with God. I look into their eyes and see joy, pureness, and faith that is capable of moving mountains. When a see a child, I am remind of what God intended for us to be. Unharmed by the world and ignorant of evil with a faith that never waivers.
Maybe it is because God speaks to me through children that I am so drawn to them. I rather sit down and interact with a child that an adult any day. They are so matter-of-fact and speak without holding back. For example, my Bolivian host mother’s five year old grandson spent a week here in Cochabamba visiting from a different city. He would boldly tell me the most point blank things without things twice about it. For example, one day he got into the car next to me and told me I smelled so delicious- like chicken. It sincerely meant this as a genuine compliment even though I am going to guess no one will ever actually choose to smell like chicken.
When it comes to children, I cannot help but love them so whole-heartedly. Not that I would ever change this for the world, but sometimes it can be a bit more of a curse than a blessing. By that I mean I can love them so much it hurts. To love them so immensely and unconditional that I don't think I am physically capable of loving them anymore, I think is a glimpse of how much Jesus loves us - however just a very very very tiny fraction if that. But I have learned so much of Jesus’s love by looking at my natural love for children. 
Written by: Hali B., Remember Nhu International Worker

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Note Hali B.- Bolivia in the notes section.

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